FREE Check Engine Light Scan
Bring your vehicle to us for a FREE trouble code report.
Is your warning light on? ... [More] If it is, there may be a problem. Bring your vehicle to us for a FREE trouble code report.

Ask Manager for details. If repairs are declined price of one hour labor will be charged. If further diagnostics are needed, additional charges will apply. Not valid with other offer or special. Coupon must be presented in advance. ... [Less]
EXP 4/9/2025
FREE Battery Test
Is it time for a new battery? Let us help!
Here are a few signs that ... [More] you’re in need:
• Slow engine crank
• Corrosion
• Leaking Battery
• Batter Warning Light is On

Any additional parts and/or labor are an additional cost. Cannot combine with any other offer. For a limited time only.
... [Less]
EXP 4/9/2025
FREE Alignment Check
How do I know that I need my alignment checked?
... [More] • Tires / Tread are worn on one edge
• Your vehicle pulls left or right when you’re on a straight, smooth road
• Your steering wheel shimmies, feels loose, or is hard to turn.

Four wheel or two wheel on most cars and trucks. See store for details. Cannot combine with any other offers. Limited time only. ... [Less]
EXP 4/9/2025

BMW Service and Maintenance

A beautiful vehicle such as a BMW needs a quality auto shop to care for it properly and make sure the condition under the hood matches the impressive looks on the exterior. At Rooster Ridge Car Care, you get the quality work that you need for your BMW without paying the high dealership prices.

We go above and beyond just auto care here at Rooster Ridge Car Care – we care for you as well. That means services like drop off and pick up service, or setting your appointments around your schedule so that you can handle the service and repair process without too much disruption in your daily life. We have been able to retain so many long-term customers because of our commitment to serving both you and your vehicle equally.

A warranty stands behind all of the work that we do because we are so confident in the team of ASE Certified Technicians that go to work each day in our garage. This team is comfortable working on BMW models including the 1 Series, 3 Series, 5 Series, 6 Series, 7 Series, X1, X3, X5, Z4, M Series, and more. If it has rolled off the BMW line in recent years, rest assured we will know exactly how to work on it for you.

Everything from an oil change to an engine rebuild can be done here in our shop. To see our current BMW specials, please find the top of this page.